I have been frustrated about blogging since my iPad is driving me up a wall with trying to blog and my laptop being on the fritz. So sorry about the lapses in posts.
I have wanted to do this post for a while now but was battling it out with the technology. The first week of school I started Daily 5. If you do not know about Daily 5, I definitely recommend checking it out. IT IS PHENOMENAL!!!
We started building our stamina on Read to Self like the 2nd or 3rd day of school. After about 2 lame attempts, we got things going and was making it to 5 and 7 minutes. I pushed things a little more and after about 2 days we were making it to 10 minutes on a semi regular basis. After about a week, we were at 15 minutes on a regular basis and ready to start other things.
Next, we added Listening to Reading and Computers. Since I have 6 mp3 players with a bag of 4 books to accompany it, I let about 6-8 kids do that and 6 kids do computers. That left about 6-8 kids to do Read to Self. We did it as a rotation and they are little pros. They are independent (for the most part) and are silent. IT IS AMAZING!!
I loved Daily 5 last year, but this year is amazing. It's like this class was MADE for Daily 5. It helps that I was spoiled and only have 20 students, but still.
This week we are adding in Word Work. I introduced a couple of fun worksheets to the kids then I let them use the mainpulatives. I found last year that it cut down on the off-task behavior with the manipulatives since they had to turn in the worksheet and they were then focused on spelling their words. I usually have them practicing their spelling words, but since we have not started spelling yet, I am having them write words they find around the room. They seem to be enjoying it.
I am hoping to start Work on Writing next week and then start READING GROUPS!!!
I love working with my kiddos in small groups. It is amazing what they can do when they have a little more attention from me.
Overall, this year is shaping up to be a really awesome year. I needed this class this year. After 3 trying years, I needed a year to reestablish my love of teaching. Before school started, I was dreading having to go back to school. When people would ask if I was ready, it was a very firm NO! Now, I don't wake up in the morning wishing it was Saturday all the time like I was used to in the past. I am reenergized about teaching.
I KNOW it is going to be a great year!
And, stay tuned...I am going to post about my 1st ever TPT product! I haven't posted it yet, so don't try looking. I have to figure all that out and then I will post about it here!