Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Classroom setup day 1-3

So I finally was able to get into my classroom. Usually our sweepers are really good and will set it back up for us, but apparently mine did not get touched. This is what I came back to.

I worked for a few hours and got it set-up. Unfortunately, with packing up for the summer, I packed things in many different places. It took a lot of effort to "unpack" all the cupboards. By the end of the day, I was hot, tired, and sweaty, but the room looked like this.

 Yesterday I only had 2 hours, so I did not get a lot done. I put some paper up on bulletin boards but that was it.

Today I got in and got bulletin boards put up. I still need to get my math wall done, but the others are done.
I got my clock hung. I love the hands, but it takes up so much room that I wanted it off my whiteboard where it used to be.
Here's my calendar board. Last year I had it all on the bulletin board, but with the dry erase parts, it got on the paper, and I would like to not have to replace it year after year.

This is new this year. My writing bulletin board. The pencil is a freebie from Lindsay at The Teacher Wife. You can get it here:

The rest is my work based on Cara Caroll's freebie found here:

I also got my word wall hung up. We use SRA Imagine It, so I the sound cards for that program. The sight words we learn will get hung up as we learn them.
And finally, I got my Daily 5 board up. I will add the I-Charts after we learn the tasks.

There is still so much to do! Any of you feel that way?

Thursday, July 24, 2014

It's Official!


I am so bad at this! If you have still held out and are following me, I apologize. I am hoping this year I will do better so I can chronicle what I do so I don't have to try to remember for next year. My computer still has issues, so I hope that won't impact this too much. I may try to use my ipad as well so I do not get as frustrated.


This summer has been totally relaxing and unproductive. I have worked on my school webpage, (check it out) and made a pinterest idea.

It was pretty easy to make and cost me about $50 for everything. My dad had the plywood and my mom had the foam, the fabric cost $7, but I have enough to make another one. The milk crates were $8 each at Home Depot, but if you live somewhere where they will donate them, that was a huge chunk of my cost. Living in Utah, the stores all work with the dairy and send their milk crates back. Also, the dairy does not donate them either, but these ones are nice and sturdy. 

I also moved this summer. Finally grew wings and decided to live on my own. I must say, I loved my roommate dearly, and we are still great friends, but I love having the place to myself. It is not the way I would like in my dreams, but it is great for what I had and could afford. 

The living room
 I added a shoe shelf to the entry since this picture was taken and a 2nd lamp on the other side of the entertainment center.

I get to go to school and assess the classroom next Thursday, so I will post pictures as I set things up and start getting ready. I hope to start growing my products on TPT as well as I create them, so keep watching.

Til then...

Have a great day!